Religious Education

Welcome to St. John's Religious Education

Our Children’s Faith Formation/RE Program is dedicated to supporting Catholic parents in their vital role as the primary educators of their children in the faith. We are here to walk alongside you as you lead, teach, and raise your children in the love and knowledge of God. By your example—through weekly Sunday Mass attendance, prayer, receiving and living the Sacraments, reading scripture and spiritual works, engaging in parish ministries, growing in a personal relationship with the Lord, and performing works of mercy—you instill in your children a deep love for the Catholic faith. Together, we nurture their journey toward a lasting and joyful faith.

Table of Contents

Religious Ed Classes

In-person Religious Ed classes began Sunday, August 18th and Monday, August 19th.

These classes for grades K thru 8 are held in 3 sessions:

Session A: Sunday mornings 9:15am to 10:30am

Session B: Sunday mornings 11am to 12:15pm

Session C: Monday late afternoons 5pm to 6:15pm

Volunteers needed. We also have some openings for catechists, co-catechists, classroom aides, and substitutes for the upcoming year. Please prayerfully consider helping us share our Catholic faith with our parish children. If you are interested, please email Sherin Murphy by selecting her name in this contact form.

Inclement Weather & Cancellations

In case of inclement weather, please check your emails and the parish website.

For Monday evening sessions, the RE program will follow Fauquier County Schools’ After School Cancellations.

Confirmation 2025

REMINDER: Please make sure that a copy of your Baptismal Certificate is on file with the RE Office.

  • Retreat Date: Saturday, January 4th  /  Snow Date: Saturday, January 11th
  • Interviews are scheduled through SignUpGenius and begin after the Retreat and will finish before Lent.
  • Spring Confirmation Date:  Wednesday, May 21, 2025, beginning at 7pm.  Practice will be held the night before at 6pm, beginning in Mercy Hall and finish in the church.
  • The following are due:
    • Confirmation Registrations (C1-C4),
    • Parent Interview (C5),
    • Baptismal Certificate,
    • Birth Certificate,
    • Spiritual Exercises:
      • Stations of the Cross (C6),
      • Eucharistic Adoration (C7),
    • Service Hour Log Form (C8), and
    • Service Hour Experience Journals for each type of Service (C9)
    • Completed Novena to the Holy Spirit (C10)
    • Family Rosary (C11)
    • Saint Report (C12)
    • REMINDER Once again:
      • Please make sure that a copy of your Baptismal Certificate is on file with the RE Office.
      • Please make sure a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate is on file with the Parish Office for ALL Sacraments per Diocesan policy.
    • The Spiritual Exercises Binder for the church will be in place there after November 1st (when forms C1 through C4 are due to be turned in).
    • Confirmation Packets for those seeking to begin the process to receive the Sacrament in the Spring of 2026 will be available in mid September for all 7th graders registered with RE and the school.

Have you picked a Saint yet?

Has your Saint picked you?

Need help picking a Sponsor?

Have you decided on a Sponsor yet? Please see the guidelines below for choosing a Sponsor.

Sponsors are witnesses to the Catholic faith who will pledge support of those who are to be baptized into the faith or who are seeking full membership into the Church through the sacrament of Confirmation.

The Sponsor is to see that the person confirmed in the faith of the Catholic Church acts as a true witness to Christ and faithfully fulfills the obligations connected with this membership. They must be a practicing Catholic, be up-to-date on all his/her sacraments, be at least 16 years of age, attend Mass weekly, and if married, must be married in the Catholic Church.

They must provide a Sponsor Certificate. The Sponsor should contact the Church where he/she is currently registered to request a Sponsor Certificate.

A parent may NOT be a sponsor.


Confirmation 2026

  • Confirmation Packets are in the process of being sent out to all of those 7th graders/1st year RCIC Confirmation prep who have registered via St. John School or Religious Ed.
  • Please complete Forms C1, C2, C3, and C4 and return to the Religious Ed Office before October 11th so you can start receiving SignUpGenius emails about volunteer opportunities on campus.

2024-2025 Calendar

re calendar 2024 2025 1 3194x4026 1

Serve as a Catechist

“Do you want to do a good deed? Teach the young!
Do you want to perform a holy act? Teach the young!
Do you want to do a holy thing? Teach the young!
Truly, now and for the future, among holy things, this is the holiest.”
-Saint John Bosco

Serving as a classroom assistant or catechist is a wonderful opportunity to build up the Church by guiding children and young people on their faith-journey.

If you’re interested in volunteering with children in any capacity, you must first become fully compliant with the Diocese of Arlington through their Office of Protection of Children and Young People (OPCYP). St. John’s Business Manager, Kandace Leypoldt, is our Liaison for OPCYP. Contact her here.

To volunteer as a classroom assistant or catechist, please email Sherin Murphy. You can contact her through this form.


Diocesan Prayer for Vocations

Heavenly Father, Lord of the harvest,
call forth vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life from our diocese and our families. Inspire men to imitate Christ the Eternal High Priest in sacrificial service to Your Church. Move the hearts of men and women to offer themselves wholly to You in poverty, chastity, and obedience. Send them as laborers for Your harvest. Inspire the faithful to support them with prayer and sacrifice. Raise up holy families who foster openness to Your call. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Prayers to Know by Grade

As you strive to raise your children in the faith, the Diocese of Arlington has created a guide to help you teach your children age-appropriate prayers.

Sacramental Forms

Download Sacramental Forms here:

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