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Apostolates and Groups

For Women

The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary supports the Father Veger Council to promote Christian fellowship. Membership in the Ladies Auxiliary is open to women 18 and up who have any relationship to a Knight living or deceased.

President-Barbara Lenky
Vice President-Barbara Graziano
Treasurer-Bettina Grambo
Secretary-Jane Hunt
Historians-Judy Pineda and Barbara Taylor

For more info contact the Ladies Auxiliary President: [email protected]

We are a group of parish moms reaching out to mothers of young children and new mothers. Our mission is to foster community within St. John’s parish through friendship, playgroup, prayer, service projects and social activities. The MOMS group is open to all moms!

For more info please contact Julia Hostutler: [email protected]

The Women of St. John’s serves our parish and supports our community.

We meet on the third Friday of the month (September to May) in Mercy Hall following the 8:30 am Mass. Our purpose is to serve our parish and community through various charitable activities.

For more info contact Maria Hyson:

(540) 364-6185; (540) 216-3621

For Men

The Knights of Columbus is an order of Catholic men dedicated to promoting the ideals of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism.

If you are a practicing Catholic man at least 18 years old, the Knights of Columbus invite you for fellowship with other men who share the same beliefs and recognize our duty to God, family and country. If you are looking for an organization that can enrich your life in every way, the Father Veger Council at St. John’s Parish invites you to join with them in helping our Church and our community.

Contact the Grand Knight for more info: [email protected]

Interested in being part of a men’s group for ongoing faith formation? Well, you should be! Christian Manhood is under direct and targeted assault in the United States and beyond – keeping your head down doesn’t work on battlefield, and the plane of spiritual combat is no different. Come join the SJE Men’s Group as we explore the dynamics of Christian virtue while enjoying the fellowship and camaraderie of your brothers in Christ. Contact Fr. Brian for more information at [email protected]

For Families

Trail Life USA guides generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure. 

This mission seeks to instill Christian morals in our boys as they grow into young men serving the Lord and in turn our society. Membership is open to boys K – 12. Contact Andrew Sheedy at [email protected] for information about our troop. 

For more information please visit Trail Life USA’s website.

Mission statement for St John’s Home Educators:

The apostolate of SJHE is an association of Catholic homeschooling families consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary dedicated to serving God in our lives, homes, and in our parish of St. John the Evangelist.  Let us build good and holy friendships!

For more information please contact: [email protected]

Visit our website:

Supporting the Pro-Life mission of the Church.

St. John’s Pro-Life Ministry joins the annual March for Life, prays the rosary regularly for the unborn and those in danger of an untimely death, provides necessary items to struggling new mothers, and much more.

If you’re interested in joining our pro-life efforts, contact:

[email protected]

For Young Adults

Join our growing young adult group for prayer, study, service, sports and recreation, pilgrimages, and more! Open to all young adults (19-35) of the parish.

Our principal way of communicating is by way of the GroupMe messaging app. 

Contact Fr. Nicholas at [email protected] for more information.

Apostolados de Español

Se reúnen todos los Viernes a las 7:00 pm en la Oficina Parroquial. 

Contacto: Sra. Marina Castro – [email protected].

La Virgen también desea visitarles. Si desea recibirla en su casa, póngase en contacto con Mariana. 

Los voluntarios pueden ayudar a usted o a su ser querido en sus necesidades (cocinar, quehaceres domésticos, reparaciones, oración y acompañamiento, y más).

Llame al 540-680-4067 y deje su nombre, número de teléfono, ubicación general de donde vive y el tipo de ayuda que necesite.

Una familia misionera al servicio de la Iglesia Católica, este movimiento se trata de niños, jóvenes y adultos que sirven a la Iglesia dando a conocer mejor la Palabra de Dios.  Fortalecen la Fe de los católicos frente al proselitismo religioso, mediante visitas domiciliarias, platicas, cursos, retiros, congresos, etc.

Actualmente ofrecen un clase usando el libro “Historia de la Salvacion” los domingos a las 11:00 am en Mercy Hall.

También, van a empezar una nueva clase los viernes en la noche, con el libro “La Respuesta está en las Escrituras: Preguntas y Respuestas.”  Empezaran el viernes 24 de febrero a las 7:30 pm en la Escuela de San Juan Evangelista.

Contacto: Domingo Castillo: 571-778-2350

Siga a San Juan el Evangelista Comunidad Hispana en Facebook para obtener actualizaciones y eventos adicionales.

Other Ministries

Neighbors helping neighbors. The St. John’s Care Ministry exists to provide volunteer care, prayer, support, fellowship, and connection to parishioners in need of domestic assistance. Volunteers from St. John’s Care Ministry can help you or your loved one with: 

  • Meals
  • Housekeeping
  • Respite
  • Errands
  • Prayer and fellowship
  • Companionship and activities
  • Finding resources for home repair
  • Personal care
  • And more!

Volunteers are welcome and needed! No minimum obligation – just help as you are able. We do not provide financial, medical or transportation assistance, but may be able to connect you with resources.

For more information, email [email protected] and leave your name, phone number, general location, and type of help needed. A volunteer will call you back within a week.

To bereaved parish families and their guests, we offer an after-funeral, or after-internment celebration of life reception in Mercy Hall. Food is gifted–made or provided by our Reception Committee members at no cost. This support and compassion is Christian goodwill done by a few on behalf of all St John’s parishioners.

If you are interested please contact Marie Taylor at 540-905-0220 or [email protected].

The Legion of Mary is a lay apostolate serving the Church and our neighbors.

We glorify God by living lives of holiness, rooted in prayer and active co-operation in Mary’s and the Church’s work. In addition to various charitable and apostolic works, the three “praesidia” of the Legion of Mary at St. John’s meet weekly for prayer and discussion. 

For more info please contact:

Mary Bowes: (540) 439-0340

Liturgical Ministries

Altar servers assist the Priest with supporting tasks at Mass to make Mass a reverent and prayerful experience. Typically this means serving on Sundays, Holy Days of Obligation, and occasionally during the week. Opportunities to assist at weddings, funerals, and other special events are also available. 

If your son is interested in becoming an altar server, please contact Jane Hunt: 

(540) 229-2286
[email protected]

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EM’s) assist the parish clergy with distribution of Holy Communion at all regularly scheduled and Holy Day Masses. They may also visit nursing homes, hospitals, retirement residences, and the sick or elderly who are confined to their homes. 

Training to become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is provided annually by the diocese at several locations. We have a great need for those who want to serve our parish and assist our priests in this humbling ministry.

If you’re interested in volunteering as an EM, contact Deacon Don Libera at [email protected].

Lectors proclaim the Word of God at all weekend and Holy Day of Obligation Masses. Initial training is offered for those who haven’t previously lectored, and update sessions are offered for all lectors.

If you’d like to volunteer as a lector, please contact Bob Beecher at [email protected].

Music ministry includes the adult choir and children’s choir. The choirs provide music for Sunday Masses during the year.

  • Adult Choir Rehearsals: Thursdays at 7:30 pm
  • Children’s Choir Rehearsal: Fridays at 3:30 pm

If you’re interested in joining one of our parish choirs, contact James Noakes at [email protected] or at (540) 347-2922 x206.

The Ushers of St. John the Evangelist welcome parishioners and visitors as they enter church, assist with seating, take up collections, direct Communion lines and, after Mass, hand out bulletins.

Anyone interested in serving as an Usher may contact John Baffa at (540) 347-7936.

St. John’s Altar Society is a liturgical ministry under the direct guidance of our pastor. The Society’s primary ministry is to maintain the sacristy and sanctuary areas, clean the vestments and altar linens, and beautify the interior of the church to match the liturgical seasons.

Contact Norma Francis for additional information or to volunteer: [email protected], (540) 364-4903.

Volunteer at St. John’s

Interested in getting involved in the many volunteer activities at St. John’s?

Please fill out the form below and let us know where you’d like to volunteer. One of our friendly staff members will reach out to you to chat about opportunities soon.

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